What I Bought | Anthro {50% Off Sweater & Outerwear} Sale
12:32 PMAnthro Perk Alert: Take an Add'l 30% off SALE ITEMS for a limited time only, online and in-store. See all the markdowns from last sale HERE and all sale items HERE.
Note: Did you enter my Christmas Gift Card Giveaway where you have a chance to win a $100, $50 or $25 Anthro Gift Card? You can enter everyday until December 14th. Day 5 is up! Enter now!
Note: Did you wear something adorable this week you want to share for all to see? Submit your Reader Outfit for Reader Outfits: What We Wear which posts Sunday, where I showcase all of your outfits to view. Even if you aren't wearing Anthro, you can still submit your outfit. You can find all the details HERE.
Good afternoon everyone! Did you like Anthro's 50% off Sweater & Outerwear Sale last Friday and Saturday? I sure did! I picked up some items I've been eyeing and also some Christmas presents. I'm not sure if I will be keeping all these items just yet, but wanted to buy them at the 50% off now and I can always return them if I change my mind. I put some of these items on hold earlier last week and finally got into the store on Saturday during the sale. The store was super busy, but all of the employees were very happy, helpful and nice, as they always are. Roseville has some of the best customer service of any Anthro I've been to. I wasn't in line too long and got all the items I was eyeing.
I have a couple of Anthro coupons that are a burning hole in my pocket...I'm still hanging on to my 15% off in-store coupon (for my Birthday month) which I plan on using tomorrow at the San Francisco Anthropologie, as my Mom and I are making a trip down there to go Christmas shopping and to see the decorations at the mall and at Union Square. I also still have my 15% online coupon I got for my Birthday as well. I was a lucky gal to get both! I'm saving the online coupon to try and get some good items at the end of the month if Anthro has another Tag Sale as they did at the same time last year. So do tell...did you buy anything from the sale?
Here's what I bought...
Decisively Textured Pullover Style# 22789234 Size: XS | Oxford Sweater Style# 23569478 Size: XS | Style# 20872644 Size: XS |
Slouched Stitches Pullover Style# 23713761 Size: XS | Style# 23403603 Size: XS REVIEW | Sequin Swirled Pullover Style# 23889934 Size: XS |
Hampden Peacoat Style# 21325774 Size: XS REVIEW |