{ Anthropologie Spotted }
4:47 PMWeek in Review: Did you see Get the Look You Thought You Missed, Head to Toe in Anthro: March Catalog Outfits, What I Love Today: Stripes, the new Sale items and my White House Black Market Reviews?
Reminder: Remember to submit your Reader Outfit! Details can be found HERE.

Good evening everyone! So many lovely Anthro sightings this week! Thanks to my readers for sending me their sightings! I love seeing how Anthropologie items are styled for TV and celebrities! Did you spot an Anthropologie item while watching one of your favorite TV shows or on a celebrity on TV, in person or in a magazine? If so, email me or submit this form to be included next week!
Checked Crops
Spotted on Once Upon a Time (Season 1, Episode 13: What Happened to Frederick)
Spotted on Once Upon a Time (Season 1, Episode 13: What Happened to Frederick)
Kites And Constellations Cardigan
Spotted on Switched at Birth (Season 1, Episode 17: Protect Me From What I Want) by Jess
Spotted on Switched at Birth (Season 1, Episode 17: Protect Me From What I Want) by Jess
Horn Section Jacket
Spotted on Zooey Deschanel
Spotted on Zooey Deschanel